Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 4 - go to content...

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Belousov A.B. [The role of social media in shaping political discourse in the United States] Political Science and Technology, 2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 4 Available at: (in Russian).

The role of social media in shaping political discourse in the United States

Belousov Alexander Borisovitch
Russian State University for Social, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. This article shows the role of social networks as mass media in shaping political discourse in the United States. In modern society, with the intensive development of mass media, as well as their wide availability, all even somewhat significant events immediately come into the focus of attention from the media. And the attention to it from the media depends on how interesting and pressing the topic the event in question turns out to be. In turn, the activities of the media, including through social networks, are virtually unlimited, which allows such organizations to manipulate the mood of society in their own interests or in the interests of others.

Social networks contribute more to the formation of a specific agenda than to the dissemination of truthful information, which has led to increased political polarization and decreased tolerance for opposing political views in American society.

Most citizens argue that this is a violation of free speech, but when it is used to incite violence, these precedents are not protected by the First Amendment. All this determines a certain need to continue research into the role of social networks as mass media in the formation of political discourse in the United States in order to create a truly working system of media control to counteract destabilizing factors in society.

Keywords: digital technologies; mass media; social networks; presidential rhetoric; political processes and technologies

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