Author Guidelines
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All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are subject to mandatory double-blind peer review.
Please, follow the guidelines below:
1. Read journal information
Information about the journal, types and language of submitted articles, reviewing, copyrights, publication ethics, financial policy and other information necessary for familiarization is located on the journal page.
2. Prepare your manuscript in accordance with the Journal’s requirements
Please follow the manuscript format guidelines, which are intended to facilitate the preliminary check and peer-review process (are below on this page).
3. Submit your manuscript, prepared in accordance with the Journal’s requirements
These files are submitted via email attachment to Please note that the name of each file should contain the author (or the corresponding author)’s surname.
Format guidelines for manuscripts submitted in English
Manuscripts in English are prepared similarly to those in Russian. All the metadata (author(s)’ names, affiliations, article title, abstracts and keywords) are to be provided both in Russian and English.
In cases where the manuscript was originally written in Russian (or other language) and then translated into English, the original version of the manuscript should also be submitted to the Editorial Office.
Note: The cover letter should contain information whether such a manuscript was originally written in English or translated. If the latter applies, indication should be provided of who translated the text (the author(s) or a professional translator).
1. Information about the author (co-authors)
The following information about the author (each co-author) should be provided in the Submission Checklist form.
1.1. Surname, name, patronymic (if any)
— full, in English or the Latin alphabet (transliteration).
For the sake of avoiding indexing errors, remember to use the same transliteration of your name in various publications. Thus, citation systems treat Vasil’ev Nikolay Aleksandrovich and Vasil’ev Nikolaj Aleksandrovich as two different people.
We request owners of double names or surnames, as well as foreign authors, to indicate the correct spelling and shortening of our their names (if applicable).
1.2. Author’s affiliation
— official name of institution (work/study place) in English (from the official website), including the country and the city.
Maximum 3 affiliations for 1 co-author can be provided.
1.3. Position, scientific degree, title
Work position, scientific degree (optional), title (if any).
University students should indicate «Student», «Undergraduate», «Postgraduate». The department and speciality can also be indicated.
1.4. Email Address
A valid email address for each co-author is published alongside other information about the authors. This will facilitate communication between the author(s) and the Editorial Board during the publication process and allow all interested readers to contact the author(s). In addition, the author’s email address is transferred to the RSCI and other citation databases. Please, specify only valid email addresses.
1.5. Citation system profiles and other information
At the request of the author, the publication may indicate the RSCI, ORCID, Scopus, Researcher ID and other profiles. In addition, a link to a personal webpage (including social networking sites) can be provided.
2. Article title
The title of the manuscript is to be provided in English.
The title of the article should briefly and accurately reflect the content of the article, the subject matter and the results of the conducted research.
Please, avoid abbreviations and CAPITAL LETTERS in the title.
3. Abstract
The abstract is to be provided in English. The recommended article volume is not less than 200 words.
The abstract briefly formulates a research problem and the aim of the research, specifies what has served as material for the analysis and describes the research techniques used, summarizes results and outlines the main directions for further research indicated. The use of keywords in the abstract will facilitate the online search for your article by potential readers (many databases index only titles and abstracts).
Manuscripts presented in the IMRAD format should be accompanied by an abstract in the same format.
The abstract should not contain references to tables and figures, as well as formulae, presented in the body of the article.
Information contained in the abstract should also be presented in the body of the article.
4. Keywords (5–7)
The keyword list consists of the search terms used by all bibliographic databases to search for scientific articles by keyword. For this reason, the keywords should reflect the main statements, achievements, results and terminology of scientific research. The recommended number of keywords is 5–7.
5. Article body
5.1. Article size
The minimum article size allowed for publication is 20,000 characters (including spaces).
The maximum article size is 40,000 characters (including spaces).
5.2. Abbreviations
All abbreviations and acronyms must be defined upon first use. Avoid two-letter and excessive abbreviations, which may impede text readability.
5.3. Structure of the article
The body of the article should be presented according to a specific sequence (recommended but not strict):
Introduction must contain the formulation of a scientific problem, stating its relevance, connection with the most important tasks that need to be solved and its importance for the development of a particular branch of science or practice. The purpose of the article follows from the formulation of a scientific problem.
Methods: This section describes the process of organising the experiment, the methods applied and any equipment used (including software). It should provide detailed information about the object of study, indicate the sequence of research and justify the choice of methods used. If the research involved humans, indicate their number, place of residence, age and sex.
Results: The results of the study should be described with sufficient degree of completeness so that the reader can follow its stages and assess the validity of the conclusions made by the author.
Discussion: In this section, it is necessary to compare the obtained results with the aim indicated at the beginning of the work or answer the stated research questions. Discuss their limitations and highlight your key findings. The results presented in the article should be compared with previous works in this area both by the author and other researchers.
Acknowledgments: In this section, mention should be made of people who helped the author to prepare the article and any organisations that provided financial support. Expressing gratitude to anonymous reviewers is considered good form.
5.4. Tables, figures
All illustrative material (figures and tables) should be presented with sufficient level of quality. The information contained in figures and tables should be clear and concise.
VERTICALLY aligned figures and tables are not allowed.
Every table and figure must be provided with a numbered caption. The numbering used for figures and tables must be separate.
The caption numbers must be referred in the body text when the content of respective figures and tables is discussed.
In cases where the illustrative material was borrowed, a reference to the original source must be provided.
Tables and figures presenting statistical data must indicate: “Compiled by the author(s) based on…”.
5.5. Formulae
Please indicate if specific software (other than MS tools) was used for typesetting the formulae in your manuscript.
Note: Conversion of formulae to the raster format may decrease their quality.
6. References
The reference list should include NOT less than 15 references.
The reference list can include the following types of references:
- articles in scientific peer-reviewed journals;
- articles in conference proceedings;
- books (except textbooks);
- monographs.
Links to ALL other types of sources are provided in the body text in the form of footnotes.
The reference list should include at least 5 references from peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science.
It is not advisable to include in the reference list references from small-circulation publications — conference proceedings, books and monographs published in small circulation and not available online.
The reference list does not include references to dissertation research; such references are made out in sub-page footnotes.
Self-citation is permissible in the amount of no more than 5 references. Links to articles previously published in the «Political Science and Technology» — no more than 2 sources.
It is recommended to indicate the URL (link) and the date of reference for all sources, the texts of which are available on the Internet. For scientific articles — a link to the article on the journal website or on the library website. For books and monographs — a link to the full text on the publisher’s website or on the library’s website.
References in the reference list are provided in the order of their mention in the text (NOT alphabetically).
ALL sources provided in the reference list should be mentioned in the body text in square brackets [ ].
The reference list will be formatted in Vancouver style.
The Russian-language reference list is drawn up by the editorial staff.
When citing non-English or Russian-language sources, please indicate the translation of the title of the publication and the title of the journal in the original language and in English.
Submit your manuscript, prepared in accordance with the Journal’s requirements
These files are submitted via email attachment to Please note that the name of each file should contain the author (or the corresponding author)’s surname.