Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2024, Vol. 4, Iss. 1 - go to content...

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For citation:

Dontsov D.O. [The format of an applied sociological study of the problem of forming a positive image of a political leader through social networks in the context of modern informatization of political science and education] Political Science and Technology, 2024, Vol. 4, Iss. 1 Available at: (in Russian).

The format of an applied sociological study of the problem of forming a positive image of a political leader through social networks in the context of modern informatization of political science and education

Dontsov Dmitriy Olegovich
State University of Education, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The scientific problem underlying the relevance of the topic of our research is a certain lag in domestic political science and practice in terms of the mass development of various kinds of Internet technologies by Russian political leaders, in particular, related to the activation of the electoral resource provided by social networks.

The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the need to eliminate this shortcoming in the development of modern Internet technologies (in particular, technologies that reveal and activate the electoral resource of social networks) in order to further advance the process of informatization of domestic political science and practice.

The scientific hypothesis is the assumption that the introduction of applied concrete sociological methods and technologies of social research in the field of politics can serve as an effective mechanism for the early elimination of inertial phenomena in the activities of Russian political leaders who have not yet fully mastered the skills of working with social network Internet technologies. For example, they have not yet sufficiently mastered the mechanism of forming and maintaining their positive image when working with social networks, which, in fact, is the subject of our author’s dissertation research.

The purpose of this material in the context of modern informatization of political science and education is to present a brief, developed in the format of an applied concrete sociological research information and analytical reference on the problem of forming a positive image of a political leader through social networks.


  • the format of applied concrete sociological research is perfectly consistent with the more general formats of scientific and theoretical analysis, and sociological methods and technologies act as the core of the methodology and technology of scientific and empirical field research of any social, including political science topics;
  • the format of a specific sociological study not only contributes to the effective replenishment of the missing volume of reliable information on the line of political science analysis of the role and purpose of Internet technologies, but also is able to significantly adjust the existing knowledge gained during the informatization of political science theory and political practice;
  • moreover, based on this format, it is very convenient to calculate the degree of probability of conclusions and practical recommendations proposed in political science research, in other words, to combine information technology with statistical and mathematical methods and calculation formulas.

Keywords: format of applied concrete sociological research; informatization of political science and education; political leader; formation of a positive image; social networks; the science; education

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