Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 1 - go to content...

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Baikov K.A. [Political mobilization technologies through the introduction and development of digital platforms] Political Science and Technology, 2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 1 Available at: (in Russian).

Political mobilization technologies through the introduction and development of digital platforms

Baikov Konstantin Alexandrovich
Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. In the article, the author examines one of the oldest human spheres of activity — politics. It originated long before our era and denoted the art of government, implying that all public and state affairs should be resolved through collegial bodies. In Ancient Greece, every person had the right to vote at public assemblies, and the rulers of the policies had to correlate their actions with their opinions.

These policy principles became the basis for the development of European democracy. In the Roman Empire, politics was described as the art of government, where power belonged to strong and knowledgeable people. Since the Middle Ages, politics began to concern the management of the church and feudal relations.

The author notes that the use of communication methods to maintain power and control over society is a common practice. One such practice is the recourse to religious symbols and dogmas in order to strengthen the authority of rulers and establish the ideological basis of the state. At the same time, situations of confrontation arise when authoritarian regimes face opposition. In these cases, communication methods are actively used to mobilize the people. Thus, religious leaders and priests can organize uprisings and riots in support of their ideas and interests.

In order to prevent «brain drain» and mitigate demographic imbalance, it is necessary to increase the level of citizen involvement in the political life of the country. To do this, it is necessary to develop democratic institutions through the introduction of digital technologies and the creation of general civic platforms.

General political mobilization through digital platforms is a new reality of our time and provides significant opportunities to express the voice of citizens and solve public problems. This includes measures to develop democracy, economics, education, innovation and youth policy, aimed at developing skills in critical analysis and verification of information, so as not to be subject to manipulation and to maintain the ability to freely express one’s views and participate in political life.

Keywords: digital technologies; artificial intelligence; political processes; democratic institutions; political life; state administration; political communication

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