Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 3 - go to content...

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Klyushnev Yu.A. [Dynamics of political preferences of Russians] Political Science and Technology, 2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 3 Available at: (in Russian).

Dynamics of political preferences of Russians

Klyushnev Yury Alexandrovich
Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article considers the features of the political preferences of Russians. To characterize them, a combination of various indices is used. First, there is the Democracy index, a key index for all democratic procedures, including elections. The purpose of the Global State of Democracy Index is to provide systematic and disaggregated data reflecting trends at the global, regional and national levels. The Index can help stakeholders, including politicians, researchers and civil society representatives, analyze trends related to various aspects of democracy and identify priority policy areas. Secondly, it is the Corruption Perceptions index. It influences sympathy for the oppositionists who exploit the anti-corruption agenda and the attitude towards the party in power, since the majority of officials are in it. Thirdly, it is the Freedom of the Press index. The media shape public opinion. The opportunity to be represented in the media is one of the key conditions for equal competition of political forces. Fourth, it is the global Peace Index. The higher the militancy of the population, the higher its paternalism. And fifthly, this is the Globalization Index. It includes components such as the use of the internet and social media. Based on these indices, the following trends in the development of political preferences of Russians are distinguished: maintaining the current attitude towards democracy, maintaining the level of perception of corruption, maintaining the level of freedom of the media, maintaining the level of peacefulness, and the increasing influence of globalization on the political attitudes of Russians.

Keywords: political preferences; democracy; perception of corruption

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