Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2024, Vol. 4, Iss. 1 - go to content...

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For citation:

Musikhina I.A. [State youth policy as a tool for involving youth in innovative management] Political Science and Technology, 2024, Vol. 4, Iss. 1 Available at: (in Russian).

State youth policy as a tool for involving youth in innovative management

Musikhina Irina Andreevna
State University of Education, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article presents the results of the analysis of the state youth policy as a strategically important direction for creating the conditions necessary to increase the innovative activity of the younger generation and involve it in innovative management. The author gives the reasons that became the starting point for a comprehensive update of the content of the state youth policy of Russia in the post-Soviet period. The strategically important documents on which the new system of Russian youth policy will be based, namely the federal law on youth policy in the Russian Federation, the strategy of youth policy until 2030 and the national project «Youth of Russia», are considered. It is noted that representatives of youth organizations and communities participated in their development, this fact indicates an increased role of youth as a subject of politics, the emergence of subject-subject relations between authorities and young citizens.

The author describes the regional aspect of the implementation of youth policy, the Moscow region was the region under study. Due to changes at the federal level, a new stage of its development has begun, which is characterized by setting long-term goals and priorities, developing new measures of state support for young citizens. The experience of the Dubna Special Economic Zone of a technical and innovative type as an innovative platform for the inclusion of the younger generation in innovative activities through open competitions of innovative projects is presented. The article also presents some problems that, in the author’s opinion, hinder the development of youth policy in the Moscow region.

Keywords: youth; state youth policy; innovative management; innovative activity; innovative activity; project; Moscow region

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