Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2022, Vol. 2, Iss. 2 - go to content...

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Storozhuk M.V. [Political aspects of the existence of a priority development area, on the example of the Far East] Political Science and Technology, 2022, Vol. 2, Iss. 2 Available at: (in Russian).

Political aspects of the existence of a priority development area, on the example of the Far East

Storozhuk Mikhail Vladimirovich
Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The issue discussed in the scientific article «Political aspects of the existence of a priority development area, on the example of the Far East» is relevant and important, is a brief but sufficient question for understanding and debate, corresponds to the direction of research in the specialty «Political institutions, processes and technologies». In the spring of this year, events took place in the international arena that radically transformed the processes that are taking place in domestic politics. Modern Russia, «turning away» from Europe and increasingly declaring itself as an independent great power in the center of Greater Eurasia, sees itself, accordingly, as a neighbor of Europe, and not a part of it. To this end, transformations are being carried out and the policy dictated by the West is being revised, which indicates the relevance of considering the topic of the existence of a territory of advanced development, using the example of the Far East region. The latter is of particular interest to both domestic and foreign researchers, as it carries not only an economic, but also a protective function. Therefore, the method of analysis of the collected materials was chosen as the key method of work. The purpose of the work is to consider the political aspects of the organization of the territory of advanced development on the example of the Far Eastern Federal District. The article discusses aspects of the development and orientation of the Far East region in the context of sanctions restrictions. The prospects for the further existence of the Far East as a territory of priority development are presented. In conclusion, the key problems of the region are listed and options for further solving some of them are proposed, which can be useful both for the administration of the region and for researchers.

Keywords: political aspects; confession; advanced development; appearance; policy of the Russian Federation; domestic policy; Far East


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