Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»

Statute of the Editorial Board

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Statute of the Editorial Board

1. The Editorial Board is a deliberative establishment consisting of acting research scientists. The primary function of the Editorial board is to perform the selection, evaluation and preparation of manuscripts submitted to the «Political Science and Technology» for publication. The names of the Editorial Board members are included in the publishing information of the «Political Science and Technology». The Editorial Board is formed by the Editor-in-Chief and the administration of the Publishing company «World of science», LLC, from the most qualified and distinguished scientists.

2. The Editorial Board is guided by the RF Law on Mass Media, the standards and norms developed by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE), the norms formulated in the Declaration “Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications» by the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ASEP), as well as by the orders of the Editor-in-Chief.

3. The Statute of the Editorial Board is approved and amended by the decision of the Founder.

4. The Editorial Board

  • conducts its activities in compliance with the principle of professional independence;
  • plans its activities within the framework of the focus and scope of the Journal, solves the questions of its content and design.
  • participates in the organisation of the peer-review process by providing methodological guidance to reviewers and preparing publication conclusions.
  • develops recommendations on the organisation, development and improvement of the editorial and publishing activities of the Journal.

5. Members of the Editorial Board participate in the work of the Editorial Board on a voluntary basis.

6. Members of the Editorial Board participate in the review of manuscripts submitted to the Journal following the request of the Editors. In case of a Member of the Editorial Board declining a review request without good reason more than three times, the Editor-in-chief may raise the question of the removal of this member from the Editorial Board.

7. Articles authored by the members of the Editorial Board are published free of charge in open access (no more than one article per issue), provided their compliance with all the Journal’s requirements.

8. The Editorial Board is convened as necessary to discuss issues related to the production and publication of the Journal. The Editorial Board is headed by the Editor-in-Chief, who chairs the meetings of the Editorial Board.

9. Members of the Editorial Board have an advisory vote and cannot directly or indirectly manage or control the editorial activities of the Journal.

10. The Editor-in-Chief guides all the activities of the Editorial Board and is responsible for fulfilling the requirements of the RF legislation.

11. The Editor-in-chief manages the Editorial Board, solves arising issues in collaboration with Editorial Board members and represents the interests of the Journal.

12. In case of refusal, without good reason, for a long time from reviewing, as well as the lack of own publications, the Editor-in-Chief may raise a question before the founders of the journal about the removal of a member of the editorial board from the editorial board.

Publication date: 11th July 2019