Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2024, Vol. 4, Iss. 3 - go to content...

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For citation:

Bolshakov S.N., Bolshakova Ju.M. [Analysis of reforms in public services based on public values] Political Science and Technology, 2024, Vol. 4, Iss. 3 Available at: (in Russian).

Analysis of reforms in public services based on public values

Bolshakov Sergey Nikolaevich
Russian Society «Knowledge», Moscow, Russia

Bolshakova Julia Mikhailovna

Abstract. The article analyzes the practice of reforms in the public service sector using the example of Central and Eastern European countries. The relationship between political reforms of public administration and the provision of public services, the role of public sector reforms is analyzed based on the concept of public values. The purpose of the study is to analyze the influence of the public administration system on the trends in the provision of public services to citizens. The methodological basis of the study is a structural and functional analysis of socio-political phenomena and processes. The study notes the importance of the quality factor in the provision of public services and the public demand for services on a digital scale. The article states the importance of decentralization of public services in order to achieve quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the state management apparatus. The management of public values and the demand by society for new forms of public services sets as its goal the modernization of the state apparatus. The study notes that the activity of providing public servants and the demand for the latter by society is the embodiment of state economic policy and is a prerequisite for social and economic growth. As the experience of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe shows, the modern public administration system responds flexibly to public demands in terms of public services, carrying out reforms of the state administrative apparatus and finding new forms of state regulation of the social sphere.

Keywords: public administration; public services; public values; modernization theory; public-private partnership; decentralization of management; outsourcing; social services

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