Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2024, Vol. 4, Iss. 4 - go to content...

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Leskova I.V. [Paradigms of political development of modern Russian Society: problems of integration and disintegration] Political Science and Technology, 2024, Vol. 4, Iss. 4 Available at: (in Russian).

Paradigms of political development of modern Russian Society: problems of integration and disintegration

Leskova Irina Valeryevna
Federal State University of Education, Moscow, Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Google Scholar:

Abstract. The modern political system of the Russian Federation is going through another round of confrontation on the international circuit. The qualitative change in the nature of international relations with the states of the «near» and «far» abroad is undergoing serious tests. Historically, the political development in the Russian state is directly related to the influence of the international aspect on it. Hence the internal processes that form the political paradigm of Russian society. The author of the article draws attention to the fact that, unlike the previously existing interstate relations of Russia (regardless of the historical period), modernity has made its own adjustments — creating two types of external contours («near» and «far» abroad). Modern Russian politics within the country cannot now be formed without taking into account these two factors. Especially against the background of the expanding problem of migration, the main flow of which goes to the Russian Federation from the so-called «near abroad». In this context, the author has chosen a system of qualitative assessment of the political paradigm of modern Russian society based on the concept proposed by Thomas Samuel Kuhn — the formation of a new (replacement) paradigm, which cannot be realized without the necessary integration factors. Based on the analysis of the modern literature devoted to this problem, the author comes to the conclusion that the formation of the paradigm of political development of modern Russian society should be carried out on the basis of integration factors, which are currently acquiring a completely different meaning. In addition, changes in the socio-political situation also affect the qualitative content of integration and disintegration factors, which, depending on the situation, may change their content.

Keywords: political systems; political development; political paradigms; political integration; political disintegration; political processes; politics

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