Scientific journal «Political Science and Technology»


2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 2 - go to content...

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For citation:

Lomakin I.V. [Sexuality in political propaganda and agitation as a technology for forming the image of a politician: Russian and foreign experience] Political Science and Technology, 2021, Vol. 1, Iss. 2 Available at: (in Russian).

Sexuality in political propaganda and agitation as a technology for forming the image of a politician: Russian and foreign experience

Lomakin Ilya Vladimirovich
Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The issue raised in the article is relevant and represents a brief but sufficient question for understanding and debate. The author focuses on the current state of political development of society, studies the positions and opinions of political scientists taking into account the sociocultural and political life of our society in the context of the closely related phenomena of sexuality and power. This connection is rooted in the most ancient and primitive forms of sociality, existing even in animals. In highly organized societies, both phenomena become highly complex and are regulated by a large number of social norms and rules. The article studies the hierarchical system of values that serves as the basis for other forms of social, political, and economic power.

In order to consider this topic, it is clarified that sexuality in political advertising is understood as the publication by a politician of his external data, as well as the active consideration of issues related to sexual relations.

Within the framework of the method of studying the topic of the article, the development of the discourse of expertise is illustrated, and its problems associated with the difference in ordinary and expert assessments are outlined. Within the framework of this study, it was not possible to consider all the developments in relation to the stated problems, which imposes an area of limitation on the analytical conclusions made.

In the article, the author notes that sexuality in political propaganda and agitation as a technology for forming the image of a politician in modern society, taking into account the development of the media, is gaining increasing momentum, which requires individuals involved in political activity to pay significant attention to this issue.

Keywords: political propaganda; politician’s image; political processes and technologies; image formation


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